
I love to attend weddings; the entire feel of the event is so overwhelming. Amidst all this wedding season and marriage anniversaries, I just want to put light on the part which no one seems to address openly. Marriage, according to me is about two companions being at their comfort zone and facing all the odds together. But, what happens when the two companions are not comfortable with each other after a certain point of time, the time gap might be the very next morning or maybe after 20 years of marriage. We are all human beings at the end of the day; we definitely fall to know how to rise up. Yes we should learn how to adjust and adapt to our surrounding, but what if the adjustment doesn’t suit us anymore, what if we just keep on falling even after trying different methods of adjusting? Do we still go on? This is the exact point where the ‘choice’ needs to be made. But society will never empathise, they will never know “peace of mind” doesn’t come from giving up a piece of you; it comes from loving one self. I as a 23 year old believe in ‘separation’, ‘divorce’, ‘live in’, ‘open relationship’ etc as long as it keeps the individuals happy and satisfied. Now a lot of you will tell me my generation is all about liberation, yes we are about enlightenment and completely open to what you as an individual have a stance.  My parents are happy and that’s all I as a daughter will cherish today and forever.

P.s: For those who will understand, just putting forth my point of view in accordance to the date.

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